Angel’s Flight

A part of your life or not, for a moment envision an angel as she floats above the basin of Los Angeles looking at the city below.   She looks to the right and thinks, Downtown, man they’re building a lot over there.  I wonder what will happen to the homeless?

She then looks straight ahead and can’t help but think that Frank Capra shot that “An angel just got his wings,” scene right at that studio over there.  That’s really cool.

Then she glances to the left and sees Playa Vista, a city within the city, growing in hypertime, adjacent to L.A.’s only remaining estuarine, the Ballona Wetlands, and wonders, Hmmm, I really hope they keep their promise to protect those birds.

And then she peers down at all of the cars on the freeways and thinks, That’s a lot of frayed nerves, and hopes, and dreams and lives down there.  Each one of those people is a unique story, each one is deserving of happiness, and I’m really glad I have these wings so that I don’t have to sit in that lousy traffic right now.

Downtown explodes

Locations in Los Angeles for It’s a Wonderful Life

Ballona Wetlands

Traffic woes